JLR sees job cut if the situation does not improve.
Known for his intense acting in alternative and art house films like English August, Takshak, Mr and Mrs Iyer, Everybody says I am fine as also mainstream Bollywood films like Pyar Ke Side Effects, Chameli and Jhankar Beats, the actor's latest concern is the global food crisis. An ambassador of British aid agency Oxfam, Bose has found time between rugby practice and films to join celebrities like Scarlett Johansson, Colin Firth and Kristin Davis in urging global leaders to
Head of the United Nations International Labour Organisation has told the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to join hands to combat global economic crisis. He said a multilateral consensus, on a wide range of issues ranging from widening income gaps to climate change bringing together rich and poor countries, employers and employees, is needed. IMF forecasts have projected that global growth could drop below the point that is equivalent to a global recession.
'The protests make no sense, unless we judge them against the political climate in the country.' 'Having a CBFC is sheer hypocrisy when the government has set itself up as censor.'
'It has even been suggested that Modi and Amit Shah, however grudgingly, harbour admiration for her controlling streak and steely resilience,' says Sunil Sethi.
The former PM attack on the Modi government for its "disastrous policies" and "economic mismanagement".
'India, by virtue of its gigantic population and geography, stands at the very front line of this climate catastrophe.' 'But this is a threat that our easily distracted national mind is ill-equipped to think about, let alone plan for,' says Rahul Jacob.
As Venezuelans continue to flee the starvation, crime and the horrific inflation that continues to mark the worst crisis it has ever faced, Radha Biswas looks back at a devastated country she continues to love deeply.
'Re-electing Jim Yong Kim will allow the World Bank to continue to build on important initiatives and reforms.'
India on Thursday made it clear that it would not accept any internationally binding agreement and that its climate change targets were not up for review.
The Republicans' call came against the backdrop of the climate gate scandal, wherein hackers gained access to documents of the climate research centre of the UK-based East Anglia University and leaked confidential data, including thousands of e-mails and documents between scientists in UK and US over the past 10 years which led to accusations that researchers had exaggerated the crisis.
The report, Facing a changing world: Women, Population and Climate, released in the United Nations, stressed that the majority of the 1.5 billion people living on one dollar a day or less are women, and they have so far been overlooked in the Climate Change debate.
Both nations have to find ways to be sensitive to each other's politico-strategic and economic concerns, say Dr Rahul Mishra and Sana Hashmi.
Moody's has a 'positive' outlook on its 'Baa3' rating on India.
The flawed response to the crisis has fed a us-vs-them mentality in which the banker, the expert, the coastal entrepreneur, the immigrant, the foreigner are all villains. The crisis was not that much of a problem; the response -- the over-reaction, the sovereign debt build-up and the lasting anger -- is the problem, says Mihir S Sharma.
Here is a list of famous names from India as well as the world which are included.
Sanjukta from Koraput, Naresh Kumar from Rae Bareli in Uttar Pradesh and Samuel Venkatesh from Tamil Nadu will head to Rome, where over 80 children from various countries will join them for the J-8 summit, organised by the United Nations Children's Fund.
China's reigning party killed thousands of its own children on Tiananmen Square at dawn on June 4, 1989. Today, the regime in Beijing is not ready to admit to any wrong doing or consider changes in its policies.
Growing foreign travel is one sign of the radical change in rising India's vacation dynamic.
'Both Nehru and Patel were thorough gentlemen and whatever their differences never disrespected each other.' 'Neither Modi nor Rahul Gandhi has much in them to claim such legacies.' 'They are symptomatic of the sad days that have befallen the nation midwifed and contemplated by Nehru and Patel,' says Mohan Guruswamy.
Financial globalisation - or ultra globalisation - has done more harm than good to the majority of economies, say Anshuman Gupta & Karunakar Jha.
A simple explainer to the Indus Water Treaty.
Criticising the Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance government's decision for holding a National Security Advisor-level meet between India and Pakistan in Bangkok, the Congress Party on Sunday said the government's series of flip flops since it came to power depicts less productive outcome from such a meet between the two neighbouring countries.
'In India, we are paying a price for not managing water as we are not willing to pay the cost for it.'
Godavari Dange, a school dropout who was widowed at the age of 19 is now changing the lives of farmers in her village and beyond.
This is the time when the US would need the conceptual strategic thinking of a Henry Kissinger, able to ally diplomatic skills with a well-conceived worldview of what the emergence of a new balance of forces will mean for a US whose ability to shape global events has definitely declined but still exists, says Claude Smadja.
'Wayanad has become famous because of Rahul Gandhi.'
The Olympic torch was raised before Rio de Janeiro's iconic Christ the Redeemer statue on Friday on the final leg of its journey to the opening ceremony of the Olympics, as Brazil excitedly put the final touches to seven years of preparations.
With a little bit of chaos and a last-minute sprint on preparations, Rio de Janeiro was ready on Friday to revel in a moment seven years in the making: the opening of the Olympic Games.
The BJP on Wednesday strongly disapproved of its MP Adityanath's controversial comments comparing Shah Rukh Khan with Pakistani terrorist Hafiz Saeed.
Being one of the most ecologically modernized state in the world, Japan heads to Copenhagen with its ambition of green leadership in the post Kyoto regime. Japan has nurtured this ambition through smart diplomatic endeavors, ecological restructuring of policies and technological innovations.
'What has taken the government so long to understand what the people of this country are going through?'
Sluggish rise in new business inflows and a cautious approach to costs reportedly led Indian manufacturers to shed jobs in September.
The US dollar index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six major currencies, was 0.38 per cent lower at 95.41.
Rajan, Swamy alleged, is a member of US dominated Group of 30.
It's easy to say investors should focus on fundamentals but this risk can have a significant and lasting impact
Arunabha Ghosh on why India will increasingly become an energy great power, but not an energy hegemon.
Embattled FIFA President Sepp Blatter has told a Swiss newspaper that continental confederations, rather than soccer's world governing body, were to blame for the corruption scandal engulfing the game.